Thursday, January 22, 2009

What is a Wiki?

A Wiki is a collaborative web site.

Teachers can use a wiki to enable each student to contribute to a great class web site. The teacher can set the wiki permissions for each of the students in their class. For example, Students may be given permission to "read only" some pages on the site and permission to edit other pages.

National Educational Technology Standards (NETS-S) number one is Creativity and Innovation. "Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology." Creating original works as a means of personal or group expression is an indicator.

A Wiki is an fantastic platform for teachers and their classes to demonstrate personal or group expression with technology.

The video below gives a great general explanation of a wiki.

I contribute to the Tech Tactics Wiki at

Mason teachers that are interested in starting a wiki can contact your Technology Curriculum Leader (Jim or Randy) to get started. Other teachers can check my bookmarks for wiki resources.

1 comment:

Fred Reeder Jr. said...

Jim: Your video explaining what a wiki is really helps me, since I didn't really know what a wiki was until I began this class (I'd heard/been to, and knew people could add/edit material, but that was my extent into the wiki world). Anyway, I was reminded today while teaching to never assume. The story:

When I told my students that they would be working with wikis in the third trimester, only one student could explain what a wiki was. This shocked me! I thought for sure these students would be well versed on the latest technology! So ... this means I'll have to spend more time than I thought explaining the process to students at the beginning of the trimester.

Luckily, I have this video by this one guy I know ...