Thursday, January 27, 2011

TI:ME/OMEA 2011 Conference Presentation

The Smartboard and You: Real Life Application for the General Music Classroom.

January 27, 2011 1:30PM Duke Energy Convention Center, Cincinnati, Ohio Room CCC-238

Presented by Doug Parrott , Mason City Schools Music Teacher Marylee Vennemeyer, Mason City Schools Music Teacher, Jim Vennemeyer, Mason City Schools Technology Curriculum Leader

Do you have a SMARTboard in your Elementary General music classroom and are trying to figure out what to do with it? If so, join us for this exciting session that will give you great ideas of how to create fun, interactive lessons for your classes using the SMARTboard. We will share tried and true lessons, demonstrate ways to use the equipment, showcase online resources and create collaborative dialogue amongst attendees. This clinic is for an educator who is curious about how a SMARTboard can work in the music classroom as well as those who have basic SMARTboard skills but who are searching for ideas and ways to making learning come alive for their students.

Download the Presentation Materials